Saturday, October 27, 2018

Iron 47 - iron car collect data BIG MAC maggies daley magnetic field


explains  key word concepts --> 

Iron  -

iron car collects data


maggie daley magnetic field 

Below, the Earth magnetic field flow lines INTERACT an iron package / container .....

that contains    human bio-computer bodies of blood iron hemoglobin DATA

Man subroutine driver ......
driving car with 3  DATA  passenger elements

 McDonald's Lunch? - Thrillist
Sep 30, 2016 - A juicy burger. It's telling that the Big Mac is still the best thing to order at Mickey D's. Across the board, McDonald's gets lunch rolling at 10:30 ...

Macro Subroutine .. the BIG MAC  for human bio-computers
MACRO SUBROUTINES. Suppose you're creating a complex macro and you discover that, among other things, you want the macro to perform a task you've ...

Macro Processing: How the BIG MAC .... Macro Processor Compiles a Macro ... › Product Documentation › SAS 9.2 Documentation
macro that the macro processor compiles but does not store is called a dummy macroMacro APP in the Input Stack. In this example, the macro definition is compiled and stored successfully. (See the following figure.)

Former Chicago magnetic field life .....
 First Lady .... magnetic Maggie Coebett Daley dies at 68; 'She was an ...
Nov 24, 2011 - Maggie Daley, who dedicated herself to children's issues and the arts while also zealously guarding her family's privacy during 22 years as ...

 Margaret Ann Corbett  was born on July 21, 1943, the youngest and only girl among seven children of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick L. Corbett of Mount Lebanon,
  a Pittsburgh suburb where her father owned and operated an auto parts dealership.

 Margaret Ann Corbett 
 Margaret Ann Corbett 
 Margaret Ann Cor --> Earth iron core code 

END of explanation


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Z73 - Blogger List of Posts ... Iron and Earth magnetic letters ...

 Z73 - Blogger List of Posts  ... Iron and Earth magnetic letters ...  List of Posts XXXXX EMPTY Iron 70 - The EARTH ..... ...