Archie Loeb who owned a ferrous oxide IRON metal junk yard .... thus
code Loeb --> L oe B --> language order entry B (Magnetic field world)
above codes --> Loeb family roots go back to 1921 --> Language order entry family roots in year 1924 .................
The Chicago Crime Scenes Project: Nathan Leopold's Home
code 56th street --> iron-56 atomic mass interaction at H = Hotel magnetic field
above code 1111 S. Tenth --> binary code 1111 = decimal 15 ......
above code 1111 S. Tenth --> binary code 1111 = decimal 15 therefore the Base 16 hexadecimal world ..........
1111 S Tenth implies 15 south /descending order ten (10) --->
thus 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10 hexadecimal codes
..........F E D C B A .......................
thus the hexadecimal RANGE WARS ..such as the COMPUTER EARTH battle by Pittsburg the range of numbers 10 --> 16
HEX'10" = 16 decimal
Above, the human bio-computer assembly
IBM Basic assembly language and
successors (Wisconsin humans as computers using the poetry/ WALKER order entry systems ) -
Jump to IBM System/360 Model 44 PS assembler - The IBM System/360 Model 44 Programming System Assembler processed a language that ...
Assembler instruction statements - IBM
The COMPUTER EARTH geography .. atomic land platform that acts as a data entry keyboard.
People walking on 2 -legs apply pressure to the earth ground (data transfer) ...... much like a 2-fingered typists on a electric computer keyboard with mouse.
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