Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Iron 67 - earth magnetic kettle pot iron kettle moraine


explains  key word concepts --> 

Iron 67 -
earth magnetic 
kettle --> pot iron --> kettle moraine 

code words -->  Five O'Clock on a winter morning in Sryia 

code words
--> Five O'Clock on a winter morning in
Syria --> Syr --> Symmetry   ..... System regions 

Police release new details in disappearance of Kathryn Stalbaum ...


Nov 14, 2013 - Prior to being safely located in Chicago, Stalbaum
was last seen around 6:15 a.m. on Tuesday,
November 5th 
 a freshman at  the Samuel Beckett  test school
Samuel   Beckett
Sam        Bec  kett
Sample   BEC   at  Kettle Moraine High School, 

Police release new details in disappearance

Police release new details in the 4-day disappearance

of Kettle Moraine specimen   

...... the 4 thermodynamic  phases of
atom/molecule density & temperature  expressions   ..... 

Bose-Einstein- Condensate and now the return  of the  5th  phase 

of matter  VIA  the  Kathryn Stalbaum generated DATABASE
 from the

CH = Carbon/ hydrogen organic
chemistry (molecular social chemistry)  city of

CH = Chicago 

 EARTH LAB specimen Kathryn Stalbaum (KS) selected for
her intials (to represent a system message)

per  Chenequa Wisconsin ......
................ equation  region of  southern Wisconsin 


Divergence and Curl of the Magnetic Field

Divergence and Curl of the Magnetic Field. The static electric field E(x, y, z) — such as the field of static charges — obeys equations. ∇ · E = 1 ǫ0 ρ,. (1).

Magnetic field - Wikipedia

    magnetic field is a vector field that describes the magnetic influence of electrical currents and ...... The second mathematical property is called the curl, such that ∇ × A represents how A curls or 'circulates' around a given point. The result of the ...

    The rotating EARTH as an electric motor 
    ....... 1 rotation per  24 hour
    alternating cycle (day night day night) 

    with the earth motor components 

    a)  earth center ... iron core 

    b ) earth geography surface copper ore
    mines that rotate about 23,00 miles per day 

    c) leverage / torque  of rotation  .......
     distance between the fixed iron center
    and the rotating copper metal ore with 29 electrons ...... that is 
    electron flow of 23,000 miles

    What is the physical significance of curl of a
    magnetic field? - Quora

    Feb 8, 2017 - Thank you for A2A. To understand what the curl of a magnetic field is, we need to understand how the magnetic field is related to the electric field and electric ...

    What is the physical significance of curl 

    What is the physical significance of curl 

    ..... TOP of earth (North Pole)

    Blood veins and  Ferrous  iron 

    code words  --> Constantinople --> Constant  in ople 

    gravity constant (population law)  interface people 

    code word --> magnificent --> magn +  cent

    --> magnetic field and the EARTH rotation ....

    What is logical unit (LU)? - Definition from WhatIs.com

      In IBMs Systems Network Architecture SNA a logical unit LU identifies an end user in an SNA network By end user IBM means either a human being that i...

      code word--> foreigner --> Fore + eign  +ner --> 

      (cellulose) forest
      (math thought formats) eigenvalues and eigenvectors 

      (northern Europe ..ner ) neurons  


      Forest to  forehead (human math brains & neuron SYMBOL PROCESSORS )

      END of explanation


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